Gym work

A. 5×5 single arm eccentric chins; rest as needed

L 7,5,3,3,3 R 6,4,3,2,2
L 4,3,2,2,2 R 4,4,2,2,2
L 3,3,2,2,2 R 2,3,2,2,2
L 2,2,2,2,2 R 2,2,2,2,2
L 2,3,2,2,2 R 2,2,2,2,1
Arms are toast and achy after this.  Stretched and rested to wait for them to be useful on AD/Row.
3 sets @97%:
AD 20 seconds
Rest 2:35

1. 16 cal
2. 16 cal
3. 14 cal
+(rested 15 min)
3 sets @97%:
Row 35 seconds
Rest 3:20

1. 197m/1:28.8
2. 200m/1:27.5
3. 199/1:27.9
Had to rely more on legs than I normally would on a shorter piece like this.
+ (Rested 15 min but needed more)
2 sets
7 burpees AFAP
Airdyne 50 seconds @95-97%
Rest 5 min

1. 22 cal
2. 19 cal – extreme quad burn for at least 10 min after.  Was not recovered at all between sets today.

This workout hurt lots more than last week.

Sleep  6
Refreshed?  no
length  7
Stress  2
Desire to Train  8-9
Food quality  8 – small glass of wine with dinner
Supps  yes
Play  no
Climbing improvement  na
balance/rest  ok, rested in the morning
Coffee intake  2 cups
Stretching/Recovery  iced left achilles, really sore for some reason, maybe jumping off routes