Climbing – Training

2 hours of top roping.  Find something that you can barely do on first try.  Then go up if successful in grade or down if not.  Started at 5.10+, then 5.11-, then failed 5.11, then 5.10+ fail, 5.10 success, 5.10+ fail, 5.10 fail, 5.9 up and down, failed on way down.  Toasted.

Just overall tired still today.


Sleep  7
Refreshed?  no
length  8.5-9
Stress  3
Desire to Train  7 – wanted to climb, but poor energy and concentration
Food quality  9
Supps  yes
Play  climbing, not super playful today though
Climbing improvement  ok
balance/rest  poor, need a scheduled day off (SAT)
Coffee intake  iced coffee + some beans AFTER climbing
Stretching/Recovery  none