Gym Work

A. power clean and jerk build to a tough single
B. DB torso row @20X1; 8-10; rest 30sec btw arms x 3
C. emom – Row 12cals – 5mins
5min amrap 80% effort
2 PC 185#
1 wall walk

185# – Jerks felt normal, but PC felt super weak/heavy
30#x8 – supporting arm was the tough part, not the row
28-29 sec/set
5 rds – Almost completely CP on this today.  PC just feel stinkin heavy

No pop in my cicle this week.  Sleep has been decent but not quite as long as I’d like.  Baby is sleeping well 95% of the time now though.  All other things normal/good.  I did have too much coffee this morning and had to re-hydrate.